Part of my internship experience has been making a educational tool. I crafted a presentation to teach kids about the philosophies of harm reduction and how it is changing the world we live in. Below is a homework assignment I made for the presentation. We chose an educational path because we feel like not a lot of people know what harm reduction is or how it works.
Research Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to use one of the
tools we learned about today. Research and proper information is a very
important ideal in the practices of Harm Reduction.
Real vs.
In this exercise you need to find three different
sources. Each on the same topic, a drug of your choosing. Find one source that
is reliable, one that is semi reliable and one that is “phony”. For each source
give an example that validates the source's reliability.
Bias/ Privilege Assignment
Now that you have talked about some bias in the class.
It is time for you to reflect on your own experiences with bias. Write down
some of your personal experiences, they can be either times you have witnessed
or experienced. Also write down some ways privilege has affected your life in a
negative and positive way. Attach these reflections to this sheet.
Communication Assignment
When talking to people, there are certain ways to say
things. When most people communicate with people who suffer with substance
abuse disorder it is hostile or accusatory. Brainstorm some phrases that could
be seen hostile and/or accusatory. Then think of ways to communicate better.
Then write down how this could change people's lives and how it may be the first
steps to help people down the path to recovery. Also attach your ideas to this